Swadista Fruit Jam is made from a ground fruit or crush, resulting in its shape. So, it is a healthy yet sugary option to consume in your diet. Even if you’re having it everyday, making a rule to exercise everyday.
Health benefits of having fruit jam:
1. Less cholesterol and fat
2. Improves hair, skin and fingernail health
3. Decreases blood pressure
4. Constipation
5. Reduces risk of heart attack
Nutritional Value of fruit jam (One Table Spoon):
Fruit jam is highly nutritious and can be consumed as a breakfast item spread on the bread. However, remember that the disadvantage is that they are high in calories. People who want to lose weight or have diabetes, they should use it sparingly since it has high sugar content.
The nutritional facts of fruit jam are:
Carbohydrates – 10.5%
Vitamin C – 2%
Iron -1.25%
Vitamin B12 – 1.15%
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